Immune Rejuvenation

In these times where we need to have the most healthy immune system possible, as we hopefully start to integrate more socially, even at a distance in the next few weeks. An interesting interview between Dr Jeff Bland and Dr Mark Hyman that I came across recently that you may find beneficial. The interview outlines…

Short Term Stress Management Strategy

The goal of managing stress is to bring your mind and body back into balance. There are short term and long term strategies that I work with my clients in my counselling clinic in Ballincollig and my counselling clinic in Aghada, Midleton. Short Term Stress Management Strategy Start to recognise that you feel stressed –…

Stress Management – Signs and symptoms of stress

Within my counselling clinic in Ballincollig and my counselling clinic in Aghada, Midleton I meet many clients who present with signs of stress overload and burn out. It can be a current short term stressful period they are going through due to stress or problems at work, marriage, kids, caregiving, medical, grief etc. Or they…

Depression and low mood

I work a lot with people suffering with Depression and low mood, within my counselling clinic in Aghada, Midleton and in my counselling Ballincollig. Depression is a very common condition which affects 1 in 10 people at any one time, 450,000 people in Ireland alone. Any one of us, irrespective of age, gender or background…

What can I do to manage my Anxiety better?

Go to your local GP and get a blood test to make sure all is OK with the body. Start a Mind the Mind Program – First stop the Body: Take a look at your diet, sleep, exercise, de stressing time, ‘me’ time and life balance. If out of synch start getting lifestyle into healthy…


Along with depression, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem affecting the population of Ireland and Europe. They account for a similar level of stress and disability within society as cancer or heart disease. Within my own counselling practise I have noticed a significant increase within the last few years in both my…